2022 Governance Conference

Saturday, March 9, 2022

On March 26, the Charter Support Unit hosted the seond annual Florida Charter School Governance Conference as a hybrid conference.  Below you can find the content from the conference. 

Thank you!
We couldn’t have done it without you!


We would like to thank all of our sponsors, presenters, and attendees to the conference for a successful event.  We appreciate everyone giving of their time and resources to support this effort to support charter school governing board members . 

Keynote Presentation: Rep. John Snyder

We started our 2022 2nd Annual Governance Conference with a keynote presentation from Rep. John Snyder who represents the 82nd District in the Florida House of Representatives.  He is a strong advocate of public school choice.  He will join us at the conference talk about recent developments during the 2022 legislative session and the importance of providing strong alternatives for students and families to choose from in the public school environment.


Closing Session: Roundtable Panel Discussion

Conference Sessions

  • Authorizer and Governing Board Partnerships that Ensure Quality Charter Schools

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Valerie Hyer
      • Stephen Ayres

  • Charter Schools as Employers: Emerging Workplace Litigation Trends in K-12 Schools

    Join us for an in-depth look into the employer exposure of operating a charter school in today’s ever-increasing litigious society. We’ll review lessons learned from defending recent charter school employment practices lawsuits, including those resulting from COVID-19. Also discussed will be emerging workplace litigation trends impacting charter schools, and how to manage the risk and reduce your school’s employment liability exposure as you continue to adapt and evolve in today’s employment landscape.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Andy Jimenez
      • Brett Schneider

  • Conflicts of Interests

    This session will cover all relevant conflict of interest rules and laws applicable to charter public school governing boards and its employees. Topics include anti-nepotism, voting conflicts, financial conflicts, the role of the Florida Commission on ethics, and best practicies and policies.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Jeff Wood
      • Thomas Sternberg

  • Facilities & Finances

    Richard and Greg shared information about how to finance a facility for your charter school.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Richard Moreno
      • Greg McKenna

  • Finding the Right School Leader

    Dr. Cozine will review tips on how to find the right school leader.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Dr. Donna Marie Cozine

  • Florida School Safety Requirements for Schools

    This presentation will focus on Florida’s legislative requirements addressing safety and security requirements and how those directly impact charter schools. Since the 2018 tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, a number of legislative requirements have been imposed upon school districts and schools within the state. The specific expectations for meeting these requirements will be shared, as well as an overview of general recommendations from the Marjory Stonemand Douglas High School Public Safety Commission and best practices that support safe and secure schools in Florida.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Brooks Rumenik

  • Governance in the Sunshine

    Did you know that if a charter school board member violates Florida’s Sunshine Law, the board member may be subject to criminal liability? Charter school boards are subject to the requirements of Florida’s Sunshine Law and understanding these rules is essential to a properly operating board. Even if you completed mandated board member governance training, join us for a refresher on the ins and outs of this important requirement, including recent case law updates.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Kathleen Schoenberg

  • Governing Boards and Compliance

    Is your school currently in compliance with every requirement of its charter contract? Do you know what actions (or inactions) of board members can jeopardize your school’s charter? If you are not sure of the answers to these questions, this workshop is for you! Join us as we discuss the intersection of individual behavior and charter school compliance.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Kathleen Schoenberg

  • Increasing Community Presence

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Ryan Rewey

  • Legal Mistakes, Board Scandals, & Charter Myths: Governing for Good

    With over 10 years of charter administration experience and six years as a charter board member, Dr. April Willis will share experiences, research, and headlines that highlight significant moments in charter governance. From myth-busting to line-drawing, this session will illuminate the dos and don’ts of governance and offer steps to take for enhancing charter board effectiveness. Whether you have a high-functioning board or one that’s on the fritz, this session will surely engage and enlighten all members of your governing body and school administration.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Dr. April Willis

  • Money Matters: What Board Members Should Know About Charter School Accounting

    In this session we will review:

    How the “Florida Educational Finance Program” works
    How to estimate revenue based on your enrollment
    What changes will look like for the 2022-23 revenue
    The basics of what Board members should know about the “Redbook” accounting standards
    Review some best practices all Governing Boards should discuss regarding their responsibility for financial oversight

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Curtis Fuller

  • Onboarding New Board Members – What Do They Need to Know?

    The most common feedback we receive from new board members is they haven’t been fully informed on items ranging from accountability expectations, to what’s in the charter, to reviewing reports. Equally, many are not aware of their individual role as an engaged charter school board member. It doesn’t matter what year of the charter your school is in, staying focused on creating routines for onboarding new board members is imperative!

    This session is for school leaders and members of the board or anyone looking to create a new charter school. Understanding what materials board members need to ensure they are successful is critical to the ever changing charter school environment.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Jill Shahen

  • Overseeing Multiple Schools (Real Life Things to Consider if looking at Expansion)

    Dr. Hall will speak on things to consider when deciding to replicate

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Alan Hall

  • Parents as Advocates of Charter Schools

    In Florida, the opportunity for parent participation in their charter school is written into the law. For many charter schools, parent contracts are the only notable outreach method. They list hours required as well as on-campus and at-home activities that fall under parental involvement. It is up to the school leader and governing board members to expand parental involvement beyond the standard volunteer activities. During this presentation, we will discuss proven techniques for engaging parents and the steps you can take to empower parents to become their charter school’s biggest advocate.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Lynn Normal Tack

  • Role of the Board

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Lyman Millard

  • Strategic Planning

    NEWS Flash!!!!!!
    IT TAKES 20 MINUTES TO HAVE A DISCUSSION ON REVISITING THE MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS. I can assure you that if this was the agenda for your session, then you were in the wrong meeting. That does not a strategic plan make.

    A Strategic Planning and Implementation session is not just about checking off the box for the mission and vision statement. As a director you need to be able to dialogue in your planning sessions on the following topics…

    • The right “fit” as it relates to organization leadership and staff
    • A complete composition of resources on the board
    • Performance Management and Compensation
    • Compliance Issues and Risk Management
    • Branding Strategies
    • Overall Strategies for Sustainable Success and Growth
    • Strategies for Financial Safety and Soundness
    • I can assure you that this session will open your eyes to a world of Governance you may not have been introduced to yet. Just wait until the 26th at 2:15 pm.

    Let’s Talk Out Loud Real Soon

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Gail Birks

  • Transitioning From Founding Board to Operating Boards

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Mike Mizzoni

  • We are Getting Sued….What Should We Do?

    Your business is being sued…. Now what? Lawsuits can be filed by employees, clients, vendors or even another business, but no matter who filed it, or if you win or lose, a lawsuit against your company can cost you emotionally and financially.

    This seminar will walk through steps to help you through a lawsuit, as well as missteps you should avoid.

    • Conference: 2022 Governance Conference
    • Presenter(s):
      • Lindsay Greene

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